About Trees of Red Oak, Iowa

Who made the map?

The Trees of Red Oak, Iowa is the project of private individuals and is not sponsored or endorsed by any public entity or company. Its purpose is to bring more information about Red Oak's trees to the public with the hope that increased awareness will lead to a greater appreciation of the city's trees.

Can I help?

Absolutely. This is a work in progress. The tree map includes mostly trees that are on public property or in the right-of-way. Some trees on private property that are visible from the street (such as those in front yards) are also mapped. If you have trees on your property not easily seen from the street that you would like to add to the map, please use the contact form on the right. Include any information you can to help identify the tree such as a street address, location on the lot, the type of tree and GPS coordinates (if known). We may contact you for more information, but of course nobody will enter your private property without permission.

If you discover an error on the map, please use the contact form at right to let us know.

Can you identify a tree for me?

There are many pages here with photos and information about common trees found in Red Oak. Take a look around. The Red Oak Public Library or your school library will also have books about trees.

How do I make a tree map for my own town?

The Trees of Red Oak, Iowa uses open-source data and map images that are freely available to everyone. It also uses Leaflet, an open-source JavaScript library that provides map styling and controls. You can find a simple tree map tutorial and example on the Make Your Own Tree Map page.